Monday, September 28, 2009

The SCIENCE Behind the 24-Day Challenge

If you are NOT interested in science... this post isn't for you...

If you ARE interested in science... you'll find this helpful...

Here is perspective about the SCIENCE behind the products as shared by AdvoCare Distributor, Matt Warren, of Colorado...

"As new customers or distributors, sometimes we try to "over-customize" a regimen for ourselves or someone else... we can tend to isolate problems and provide a product for each particular problem... there is an easier way...

What we've repeatedly found, is that THE 24 DAY CHALLENGE solves a host of issues, therefore making it the right fit for 90% of people who start on products.. and it keeps our job very simple in terms of helping/solving the MAJOR ISSUES that people face...

Arthritis, Excess Weight, Type 2 Diabetes, High Cholesterol, Gastro Intestinal Issues, Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), High Blood Pressure, Fatigue...

Lets take a look at how THE 24 DAY CHALLENGE helps/solves these issues...

- Inflammation is reduced by following the 10 day cleanse nutrition program, which eliminates foods that are inflammatory to most people (wheat, coffee, dairy, alcohol, yeast, soda), and by adding more foods and supplements that reduce inflammation (Omega 3's, fruits, veggies, water)
- AdvoCare Omegaplex provides Omega 3's that have been proven to reduce inflammation (O 3's are nature's aspirin!)
- The program emphasizes hydration throughout the day, which also reduces joint pain, while removing pain stimulating drinks such as coffee, soda, and alcohol

Excess Weight
- The 10 day cleanse regimen breaks negative food habits and addictions (chocolate, beer, bread, etc) and allows for a new beginning with normalized taste buds
- The program keeps carbohydrates in check, which keeps insulin levels low, which minimizes fat storage and encourages your body to properly burn fat (AdvoCare Spark, Meal Replacement shakes both have a minimal affect on Insulin, thus supporting "the fat burning lifestyle")
- "Energy precedes weight loss"... and the energy you get from Spark and MNS Max 3 keeps appetite down and your desire to work and move up
- MNS Max 3 provides appetite control at fat burning support with herbs such as oolong tea, green tea, cayenne powder, cinnamon, and much more

***Amazing fat burning takes place when AdvoCare products are combined with a low insulin lifestyle!

Type 2 Diabetes
- Again: Insulin is the bad guy here... LOWERING INSULIN by keeping carbs minimized will positively affect every health system in your body

- Eating and supplementing in a way that allows you to minimize insulin will allow your cells to burn stored fuel and fat properly, which allows your insulin system to function properly again

- Due to the low sugar/carb content, AdvoCare Spark and Meal Replacement shakes both have a minimal affect on Insulin, thus supporting "the fat burning lifestyle")

High Cholesterol
- When insulin levels are elevated (via excess carbs), your liver produces cholesterol internally (HMG Co A Reductase)... many health professionals aren't aware that elevated cholesterol is often the result of an excessive carbohydrate diet versus ingested cholesterol...
- Omega 3's have been proven to lower overall cholesterol, increase HDL's, and lower LDL's (we've seen this proven repeateadly on the lab results of our clients)

Gastro Intestinal Issues
- Digestion improves because the simple food plan follows food combining laws that allow for proper digestion and reduction of acid reflux
- The same foods that cause inflammation can also "back you up", the foods that reduce inflammation are the foods that encourage regular bowel movements
- Omega 3's via Omegaplex stimulate regular bowel and lymph movement
- The Probiotics included in the Herbal Cleanse and MNS Max 3 facilitate proper digestion and bowel movements by counteracting yeast and other negative bacteria

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
- Carbohydrate management again is the answer... increasing protein and healthy fats (avocado, olive oil, omega 3's, nuts/seeds) allows for balanced blood sugar and insulin levels
- Eating / grazing throughout the day, and training your body to get used to that, will aid steady blood sugar levels
- Burning fat and utilizing fat as fuel will feed your body in addition to the glucose in your blood stream... our MNS Max 3 aids in this process of operating via "mixed fuel"

High Blood Pressure
- Salt may be a slight contributor, but many progressive health practitioners don't believe salt is the real issue here...
- Omega 3's are a natural blood thinner, thinner blood (versus gluey) means lower blood pressure
- Omega 3's are a natural vasodialator (opposite of constriction), which means there is more room for blood to flow, which lowers blood pressure
- Elevated insulin levels increase blood pressure... so I'll say it again... learning to minimize and manage your carbs will BLESS YOUR LIFE!

- Everything affects everything else... eliminating the above issues will increase your energy
- Spark provides energy in many ways, one of which is CHOLINE, which enhances neurotransmitter activity in your brain... you'll notice that other "energy drinks" don't provide choline, a key for mental focus
- Thinner blood (Omega 3's) allows for greater oxygen delivery, which = greater energy
- Our Sci/Med Board puts a host of incredible natures best nutrition in our MNS Max 3 (Ginger, Peppermint Leaf, Garlic Powder, Vitamins, Minerals, Omega's, Probiotics, and so much more) that fills in the gaps and allows us to live at our full potential and energy

In regard to current medications and programs... I'll simply say that you have a right to inquire, and hopefully you're with a progressive doctor who's desire is to see you reduce or eliminate meds...

So what about AFTER the 24 DAY CHALLENGE?...
- Stay on MNS Max 3; it's 5 products in 1, it's a total wellness solution
- Take 1 Omegaplex capsule for every 25-30 LBS of ideal weight
- Utilize tools such as Meal Replacement Shakes and Bars to support a low Insulin lifestyle
- Customize based on your individual goals with products such as Spark, Rehydrate, Catalyst, Muscle Fuel, O2 Gold, Joint Promotion, etc"

Nationwide Kickoff of the 24-Day Challenge

The season on the calendar has turned to Fall and there is one sport synonymous with that change... FOOTBALL!

So as you are watching your favorite high school, college, or pro teams... or maybe you are lost in deep thought about who you are going to play this week in your Fantasy Football League, it is time to get OFF of the couch and begin making a POSITIVE difference in your life by TAKING on the 24-Day Challenge.

Join us this week for a HUDDLE event nearest you and find out how 24 minutes, 24 hours, 24 days can literally CHANGE your life!

The KICKOFF date for the 24-Day Challenge is Monday, October 5th... Check out for more details on HUDDLES and the challenge.