Saturday, October 3, 2009

Day #2 of the 24-Day Challenge...

Here we are at Day #2 of the 24-Day Challenge...

Now that we have started incorporating several of the products in
the process, let's work to hone in on minimizing fatty foods.

In fact, let's make a goal to incorporate 2 servings of fruits and
2 servings of vegetables today, ok?

We're building momentum to help you get healthy internally.

Did you know that you can hold as much as 35 pounds of waste in your
digestive system? Wow - imagine how much better your body would
process if we help you get healthy internally!

The Next Post = Day #3!

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: Ronnie just called me and said, "I know it is only a number, but I've already lost 6 POUNDS after just the 2ND DAY on the Challenge!" Looking forward to what the other 22 days hold for him...
